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Your Support Needed to Ensure Critical Funding for PCB Industry

Your support is again needed to ensure critical funding in support of the PCB industry is not cut from the Defense Production Act. Please express your support by signing on to this letter to Congressional leadership

As you know, IPC and PCBAA advocated for the Presidential Determination declaring PCBs as a critical defense industrial base need, qualifying the industry for investment from the Defense Production Act program. But future funding for the PCB determination has been completely cut from the FY2025 budget request.

IPC and PCBAA have placed requests with Congressional leaders to add back the $85.758 million requested for PCB manufacturing in last year’s budget.

Now is not the time for Congress to lift its foot off the pedal. Help us convey industry support by adding your voice to our letter. Your voice is needed more than ever to ensure the electronics manufacturing industry does not fall off the negotiating table.

Please review the letter and consider adding your name and your company to the list of signatories.

Thank you for your attention and support.


Rich Cappetto

Senior Director, North American Government Relations 




Sign Our Congressional Letter