Wired for Change: Electronics Industry Sentiment on Sustainability
In a time when many industries are considering – or reconsidering – their commitment to sustainability, IPC wanted to take the pulse of our own industry and understand where companies stand on their sustainability efforts. The overwhelming consensus from our survey? Stay the course and accelerate efforts.
Download and read this timely report about the industry’s sustainability sentiment.
Key Findings
• Growing Sustainability Momentum – 59% of respondents expect their companies to increase sustainability efforts in 2025. Printed circuit board (PCB) and contract manufacturers anticipate the greatest growth.
• Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage – Regulatory compliance is a key driver for 66% of respondents, but companies are also motivated by efficiency gains (58%), technological advancements (56%), and long-term competitive positioning (55%).
• Implementation Challenges – Budget constraints, regulatory complexity, and limited expertise are the top three primary barriers to sustainability.
• Industry Collaboration Key – Respondents emphasized need for greater industry-wide interaction, sharing of best practices, and access to resources to navigate sustainability challenges.