
Welcome Mexico!

Just as we know that one of Mexico's cultural norms is a handshake followed by a firm hug after meeting an acquaintance and that when being introduced to a woman it is customary to greet with a kiss on the cheek; we also know that to conduct successful business in a foreign country it is essential to immerse yourself in the environment and culture of that country. At IPC, we have been preparing for months to enter the Mexican market with open arms and on the right foot.

In an unprecedented effort by IPC to recognize Mexico as a key element of the electronics industry, we formally started operations in the country because we want to be part of this great market.

My name is Lorena Villanueva and I am the General Manager for Mexico, and from the vibrant Mexico City, I will be connecting with you to learn more about what you are doing in the local market, what your needs are and how we can help you.  With more than 20 years of experience in various industries, a great attachment to Mexico, and a deep knowledge of the Mexican market, I am here to continue consolidating the relationship between IPC and our country. I want to make sure that we are listening to you, that IPC is serving this important part of the industry and to bring to our country more of what IPC is doing for the Spanish-speaking market.

One of my favorite quotes from the American engineer William Deming says "Learning is not mandatory... neither is survival" and I could not agree more, if we stop learning we will be left behind, we will stop improving and eventually we will stop surviving as a company.

A little about our history and mission 

IPC’s vision is very simple and is captured in our slogan: Build Electronics Better and we do it through proven standards, certifications, education, and training programs. IPC is a global industry association dedicated to furthering the competitive excellence and financial success of our members in the electronics industry around the world.  In pursuit of this mission, IPC devotes resources to education, training and industry standards activities. 

One of our strongholds is the educational program through which we certify more than 105,000 people annually in 108 countries and in more than 20 languages, and clearly Mexico is one of our main targets due to the relevance of its market. Through our educational and training programs, either in-person or online training, IPC helps companies and the industry to be more efficient and capable.

Let's think about this, in Mexico around 110,000 engineers graduate every year and according to recent studies by CONACyT (National Council of Science and Technology) the annual demand will rise in 2025 to more than 800,000 engineers in the country, so education and training have weight and positions Mexico as a solid workforce full of opportunities, and this is where we want to be! 

I’ll tell you something interesting that we should keep in mind, in Mexico in the recently amended Federal Labor Law, on the Training and Education of workers states in Article 153 that every worker has the right to have his employer provide them with training or education on the job that will allow them to raise their standard of living and productivity.  By putting workforce training at the forefront and linking it to the productivity gains of both the companies they work for and the country, both, employees and employers benefit.  There are many studies that show that for a company to grow and increase its profitability it is essential that its workforce is prepared and has the necessary knowledge to perform their tasks correctly.  The training and education of the workforce are directly linked to an increase in productivity and quality, and provide workers with stability and loyalty, naturally decreasing turnover, but we will talk about this important topic in our next blog.  

I am eager to learn more about what you are doing and what your needs are, and I would love it if you come back to me with your ideas, so I invite you to visit us on our website https://mexico.ipc.org/ and subscribe to our newsletter to receive periodic information about our launches, events, and activities in Mexico and around the world.  My colleagues and I are very excited to start operations in our country formally. We will be sharing with all of you blogs on our social networks where you will find much more information and interesting facts so that together we can build electronics better!